CPCCRN Toolbox


The Functional Status Scale (FSS)

The FSS was developed by a multidisciplinary consensus process to measure the improvement or decline in a patient’s score from a baseline admission to discharge or other time point. Domains of functioning included mental status, sensory, communication, motor, feeding, and respiratory categorized from normal (1) to very severe dysfunction (5). The FSS outcome measure works for large outcome studies and is well defined, quantitative, sufficiently rapid, reliable, minimally dependent on subjective assessments, and applicable to hospitalized pediatric patients across a wide spectrum of ages and inpatient environments.
The Functional Status Scale Calculator

Functional Status Score Instructional Video

PRISM III Calculator

A third generation prediction tool of morality in pediatric and neonatal critical care units that can effectively be used as a reflector of severity of illness through a scoring system.  The PRISM III calculator was first published in 1996 using 17 physiological variables and their ranges most predictive of mortality risk.  Scores are based from physological data from the first 12 hours of ICU stay.
PRISM III Calculator

PRISM IV Calculator

The development and maintenance of PRISM and its algorithms are based on the conceptual approach that physiologic dysfunction is the core principle underlying severity of illness and can be assessed independent of computing morbidity and mortality risks. This PRISM IV prediction algorithm is based on the first 4 hours of PICU care as a predictor of survival versus death.  It is a useful tool as an outcome predictor of three outcomes: significant new functional morbidity, intact survival, and death.
PRISMIV Calulator

PICU-COS Core Outcome Set

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Core Outcome Set (COS) is an international, multi-stakeholder and evidence-informed COS for clinical and research use in pediatric critical illness. Core outcome sets are defined as “a patient outcome, health‐related condition, or aspects of health that relevant stakeholders agree are essential to assess in all clinical research studies evaluating outcomes.” The PICU COS serves as a guide to assure that outcomes most important to all stakeholders are considered in PICU clinical research or clinical care programs.
PICU-COS Core Outcome Set